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Solar Flare Pvz

Major Changes In PVZ Heroes

New Cards and Buffs

In the latest update to Plants vs. Zombies Heroes, several cards have been buffed and nerfed, and a new card has been added to the game. All Zombies on the Ground now get -1 Strength-1 Health, making them more vulnerable to attacks. Solar Flare now uses a living Flower garden to build massive, giving her a powerful new tool to control the board. Aggro decks have been nerfed, with many 1-ofs and bad cards being removed, and some control cards being added.

Balance Changes

The following cards have been buffed:

  • All Zombies on the Ground: -1 Strength-1 Health
  • Solar Flare: Now uses a living Flower garden to build massive
  • Aggro: Nerfed, with many 1-ofs and bad cards being removed, and some control cards being added
