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How An Ohio Town Landed In The Middle Of The Immigration Debate

How a sleepy Ohio town of 6,000 got ensnared in a national immigration debate

At issue: Whether a Guatemalan man living in the country illegally should receive asylum

White nationalists have swarmed the town, while supporters of the man have also rallied around him

The small town of West Liberty, Ohio, has become an epicenter of a national debate over immigration.

At issue is the case of Jose Ismael Torres, a Guatemalan man living in the country illegally who is seeking asylum.

Torres came to the United States in 2007 and has been living in West Liberty since 2012. He is married to a U.S. citizen and has two children who are also U.S. citizens.

In 2014, Torres was arrested for driving under the influence. He was deported in 2015, but returned to the U.S. in 2017.

Torres applied for asylum in 2018, saying he feared for his safety if he were to be returned to Guatemala.

His case has attracted national attention, and both supporters and opponents of his asylum bid have rallied outside the courthouse.

White nationalists have swarmed the town, holding rallies and harassing Torres and his supporters.

Supporters of Torres have also rallied around him, and have organized vigils and protests.

The case has divided the community, and has raised questions about the future of immigration in the United States.

The legal process

Torres' case is currently being heard by an immigration judge.

The judge will decide whether Torres is eligible for asylum, and whether he should be deported.

If Torres is granted asylum, he will be allowed to stay in the United States.

If he is denied asylum, he will be deported.

The political debate

The case has become a political football, with both Republicans and Democrats weighing in.

Republicans have largely supported the Trump administration's crackdown on illegal immigration, and have said that Torres should be deported.

Democrats have largely supported Torres' bid for asylum, and have said that he should be allowed to stay in the United States.

The case has also become a flashpoint for the debate over sanctuary cities.

West Liberty is not a sanctuary city, but it does have a policy of not cooperating with federal immigration officials.

Republicans have criticized the town's policy, saying that it allows illegal immigrants to live in the country without fear of deportation.

Democrats have defended the town's policy, saying that it protects the rights of all immigrants.

The impact on the community

The case has had a significant impact on the small town of West Liberty.

The town has been divided over the issue, and there have been several rallies and protests.

The case has also brought national attention to the town, and has put a spotlight on the issue of immigration.
